Saturday, November 30, 2019
Zachman Framework for Enterprise Architecture Essay Example
Zachman Framework for Enterprise Architecture Paper It was in 1987 when John Zachman decided to putforwardhis Zachman Framework for Enterprise Architecture. In his own words hesaidtokeep thebusinessfromdisintegrating,theconceptofinformationsystems architecture is becoming less of an option and more of anecessity.Thus, with this understanding, he decided to move ahead with the idea ofcreating the Zachman Framework. Zachman Framework is anassociationofinformation professionalswhounderstandtheworthofhavingasolidEnterprise Architecture within the companys ranks in the economic scenario oftodays world. This paper studies the Zachman Framework for EnterpriseArchitecture and decides as to how this framework is playing a significantroleinthe alignment and integration of a corporate business. Zachman Framework for Enterprise ArchitectureZachman Frameworks mission is basically toharnessandpromotethe interchange of knowledge as well as experience in theuse,execution,and promotion of the Zachman Framework forEnterpriseArchitecture.Itwould not be wrong here tostatethatthisframeworkismostlyemployedin businessandindustryinformationsystems.ZachmanFrameworkhasits influence from the classic principles of architecture,whichconstitutea mutuallexiconofstandpointsandstancesthatassistindescribing composite and elaborate enterprise systems.Thisinstigationismirrored directly in the clique of rules and regulations that superintend anordered set of relationships which areonthewholebothbalancedaswellasIf ZachmanFrameworkistakenintoconsiderationwhenacompany decides to design a system, the architectcanbeatpeacewhenhehas security of cleanliness within the designaswellasitbeingeasyto understand foroneandall,balanced,
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
6 English 101 Essay Topics About English-Chinese Differences Each Student Should Know
6 English 101 Essay Topics About English-Chinese Differences Each Student Should Know Let’s agree that Chinese and English are two totally different languages pronunciation, grammar, written form, expressions it all differs. From a broader perspective, there are some major differences between. English emphasizes the structure, while Chinese focuses on the meaning. In English, it is very common to see one long sentence with a long modifier, and pronouns like â€Å"we†, â€Å"she†, â€Å"they†in addition to â€Å"that†and â€Å"which†, to avoid recurrences. The sentence could be very long and complicated, this is especially obvious in legal articles. However, in the Chinese language, generally sentences are shorter and even if it’s a long sentence, it would be divided into several short sentences or phrases by comma. Let’s look at some examples: The sights of Beijing are so numerous that one can spend several weeks here and leave without having seen all of the important ones. Ã¥Å'â€"ä º ¬Ã§Å¡â€žÃ¥ èÆ'Å"Ã¥ ¾Ë†Ã¥ ¤Å¡Ã¯ ¼Å'ä ¸â‚¬Ã¤ ¸ ªÃ¤ º ºÃ¥ ° ±Ã¦Ëœ ¯Ã¥Å" ¨Ã¨ ¿â„¢Ã¥â€ž ¿Ã¥â€˜â€ ä ¸Å å‡ ä ¸ ªÃ¦ËœÅ¸Ã¦Å"Ÿï ¼Å'ç ¦ »Ã¥ ¼â‚¬Ã¦â€" ¶Ã¤ ¹Å¸Ã¦â€" æ ³â€¢Ã¦Å Šæ‰€æÅ"‰é‡ è ¦ çš„æ™ ¯Ã§â€š ¹Ã§Å"‹å ®Å'。 In English the passive voice is very commonly used. Unlike English, Chinese usually uses the active voice. Let’s take a look at some examples of the Chinese active voice to translate English passive voice: Tea is drunk widely all over the world. ä ¸â€"ç•Å'Ã¥ „åÅ" °Ã§Å¡â€žÃ¤ º ºÃ¤ » ¬Ã©Æ' ½Ã¥â€" èÅ' ¶Ã£â‚¬â€š But sometimes the tables were laid outside in the gardens of stately homes. ä ½â€ æÅ"‰æâ€" ¶Ã¤ ¹Å¸Ã¦Å Šé ¤ æ ¡Å'摆åˆ °Ã¨ ± ªÃ©â€" ¨Ã¥ ¤ §Ã¥ ®â€¦Ã§Å¡â€žÃ¨Å ±Ã¥â€º é‡Å'。 In Chinese, idioms are a frequent occurrence, most of them are short four characters. Their goal is to make the expression more vivid, live and compact. In comparison, English is not so rich in this genre. Here are some examples: The gentleman is not a tool. Ã¥ ݌ ä ¸ å™ ¨Ã£â‚¬â€š Here come friends afar, how exceedingly happy we are! Ã¥ ‹æÅ"‹è‡ ªÃ¨ ¿Å"æâ€" ¹Ã¦ ¥Ã¯ ¼Å'ä ¸ ä º ¦Ã¤ ¹ ä ¹Å½Ã¯ ¼Å¸ English is a Latin language, you can guess the pronunciation from its spelling, while Chinese is a character language, it can’t be spelt and you can’t guess the pronunciation from the characters in many cases. Some foreigners use â€Å"spelling†this word on the description of the Chinese language, obviously they have no idea of this language. It is not a romanization language, and can never be spelt. English has far less dialects and accents than Chinese. Due to historical and geographical reasons, the dialects and accents in English don’t have too much difference as that in the Chinese language. The commonly seen word Mandarin actually is a â€Å"standard dialect†of Chinese, and it’s not a written language, just a sort of spoken language. The written form of English is quite simple, while in Chinese it’s varied and that’s the cause of Chinese calligraphy. In English, there’s no variation of the written words, while in Chinese there’re simplified Chinese and traditional Chinese. And dating back to the ancient times in Chinese history, there were running hand, cursive hand, clerical script, etc. The English and Chinese languages are 2 polar means of communication. Though it’s hard to find contact points of them, it’s still possible and crucial to master these two languages. We wish you good luck and hope that our service will help you with that.
Friday, November 22, 2019
capital punishment Essays (1266 words) - Human Rights, Free Essays
Capital Punishment The death penalty, also known as capital punishment, has been abolished in most modern first world societies, but not all. There is much debate as to whether it is right for countries like the United States to continue to use this type of justice, and if it is an efficient way to fight crime. However, there are many arguments as to why there is no place for the death penalty in a civilized society and that it is not an effective way of stopping crime. A justice system which is based on rehabilitation is far more effective in reducing violent crime than a strictly punishment system that includes a death penalty; this can be seen clearly when comparing Canada?s to the U.S.A?s crime rate. Not only is the death penalty ineffective at lowering crime rate, it also costs taxpayers more than imprisoning someone for life, contrary to popular belief. In addition to the previously stated problems with the death penalty is the fact innocent people are convicted every day; innocent people have an d will continue to be murdered because of wrongful convictions. The ineptitude, cost and chance of wrongfully condemning someone to death are all reasons as to why the death penalty is not the answer to crime and that there should be no place for capital punishment in a civilized society. Many people believe that the death penalty is not an effective solution to violent crime or even an efficient way of decreasing violent crimes. The fact that the death penalty does not deter crime is proven when comparing the homicide rates between Canada and the United States; although homicides are punishable by death in the U.S.A, the rate at which they occur is more than triple that of Canada?s (1.8 per 100,000 in Canada to 5.5 per 100,000in the U.S.A). These numbers reveal that not only does the death penalty not stop murders from happening, but in countries that focus on rehab rather than punishment the homicide rate is lower. Capital punishment makes little if any difference to homicide rates and has not helped countries like the U.S reduce violent crime, making it an obsolete and ineffective form of justice. The inability of the death penalty to prevent, rather than punish murder is just one of many reasons as to why it is the wrong answer for how to serve justice. The death penalty has been and will continue to be argued from a moral, ethical and legal perspective. However, some countries have abolished this practice for one simple reason: money. Although most people believe that it would cost less to execute convicts rather than give them a life sentence, it is actually the opposite; life in prison is in fact cheaper than sentencing someone to death. An audit into the cost of death penalties in Kansas counted death penalty case costs up to the execution and found that the median death penalty case costs $1.26 million. Non-death penalty cases were counted till the end of incarceration and were found to have a median cost of $740,000. For death penalty cases, the pre-trial and trial level expenses were the most expensive part, 49% of the total cost. The investigation costs for death-sentence cases were about 3 times greater than for non-death cases. The trial costs for death cases were about 16 times greater than for non-death cases with $508,0 00 for death case and $32,000 for non-death case. This audit of the Kansas justice system reveals that it not the actual execution but the trials leading up to the executions that cost the most. The extremely high cost of executions compared to a cheaper alternative that ensures the same result (crime cannot be committed while someone?s in prison) demonstrates why the death penalty should no longer be used. Some wrongful convictions are inevitable in all justice systems. In most cases when the victims are found to be innocent they are compensated somehow, but if someone is sentenced to death there is no way to make up for that. The fact that an innocent person could be murdered simply because he or she was wrongly convicted is wrong. An example of someone being wrongfully executed is Johnny Frank Garret of Texas who
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
History the world Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
History the world - Essay Example One of the evidences that prove the significance of the agricultural revolution as a turning point in human history is the shift in economic activity that has persisted to the current period. Before the agricultural revolution, man relied on hunting and gathering for his food supplies, activities that required fewer skills that aimed at capturing a target. The agricultural revolution however witnessed improvement in human initiatives that involved development of agricultural based technologies for agricultural practices. These initiatives marked a turning point because they formed a system that has not been replaced but has only been refined and developed towards higher levels of efficiencies. The revolution therefore marked a turning point in agricultural based technological developments in human initiatives (Kahn, p. 12). The agricultural revolution also marked a turning point in human history because of the shift in man’s main economic activity. While the Paleolithic man relied on gathering and hunting, the agricultural revolution made a shift towards agricultural dependence that has never been reversed. Even though hunting and gathering continued, it has never been practiced as the main economic activity as it used to be practiced prior to the agricultural revolution. Another significance of the agricultural revolution that marked the turning point in human history is its large-scale food supply that shifted man from small-scale food generation ventures, in hunting and gathering, to mass production of food that could then be stored for future use. This is because of the low output levels of hunting and gathering as compared to agricultural output that could sustain food supplies needs for longer periods. Such reliance in mass production has been maintained in human history to indicate that i t was a significant development. Unlike
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
How can the planning system encourage more sustainable patterns of new Essay
How can the planning system encourage more sustainable patterns of new housing development urban design - Essay Example Planning of homes has major impact on functioning level within societies. The planning and design of homes should consider various factors such as access to jobs, community facilities and access to transport. Well organized and planned housing development assist in the creation of unity hence contribute towards reduction in anti-social behavior. Development of cities, towns and leisure centers should consider various development policies such as environmental policies. Various destinations all over the world should consider creation of barrier-free movement within cities which would accommodate people of all walks of life (Scott 2000). Urban planning is defined as the art involved in designing places for the purpose of settling people. Such designs should consider accommodating more sustainable patterns of new housing development. New housing design method presents one of the most important elements of urban planning. The planning process entails various aspects such as aesthetic value of building masses based on the intended functions. In addition enough passage areas are constructed to enhance easy movement of both people and vehicle traffic. This would improve communication links within towns. Urban planning and design incorporates visionary frameworks which projects quality outlook of the development formats capable of accommodating vast developmental activities and at the same time maintains socio-cultural activities (Susan and John 2004). Development of modern quality housing requires the use of upgraded technology capable of producing modern designs and at the same time maintaining a sustainable environment. Infrastructural development does not entirely define an urban metropolis; it is also defined by the expectations and ambitions of its habitants and characterized by its upsides and downsides. The Cities background, practices and communal set up, form the core of city’s existence. There is need to effectively administer
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Competitive Grants, Action Research Proposal, and Business Plans Essay Example for Free
Competitive Grants, Action Research Proposal, and Business Plans Essay Competitive grants, action research proposals, and business plans all seem to be predisposed with results and outcomes. All three seem to be geared towards the realization of a goal or an objective that supports desirable changes and results in society. Competitive grants are designed to be able to provide help and support to various populations who are in dire need of them (USDH, 2000). Action Research Proposals are written because of the need for changes in people’s behavior and responses toward certain issues or themes that need to be improved in order to result to desirable change through action research (Ferrance, 2000). Business plans are also designed in such a way that it provides for the needs of the consumers or the people and influence desirable changes in the economy and the satisfaction of the nation. It includes all the most important decision that one can make in order to make the business progress and be successful in its venture. (My Own Business, 2007)            In addition, competitive grants, action research proposals, and business plans are instrumental in identifying and determining the varied needs of members in the society. These three also differ in their purpose, content, and outline. To have a deeper understanding about the similarities and differences among these three, the discussion about their nature and characteristics is relevant and will be stated in the following paragraphs.            Funding programs for a specific group of population takes on the form of competitive grants. Competitive grants aim to address the growing needs of and problems in society. However, grants are only available to those who are eligible to apply and be granted access to the benefits and advantages that goes along with the grant. The funding and support that come from competitive grants are only limited to those who fit the characteristics of its target population. Moreover, these grants are only available for a limited period of time as proclaimed by the public or private organization implementing the program. Examples of competitive grants include training programs for young people who cannot afford to go to school, funding for nutrition and a healthy lifestyle advocacy, etc. (USDH, 2000)            An action research proposal plays a significant role in conducting a research, especially one that is academic in nature. The purpose of an action research proposal is to establish a background about the theme that is to be addressed after the research. In addition, an action research aims to influence change in certain processes and progressions that would in turn affect desirable changes in society. The action research proposal is instrumental in the accomplishment of this mission as it provides an overview of the problem and the solutions that would cause pleasant changes. The action research proposal is the basis of the action research. All the information and other action researches that have been conducted in the past are included in the proposal. In addition, it also contains predictions or calculated guesses of what the action research would lead to. It also includes the various processes that will be employed in order to collect all data, interpret them, and establish a solution to the main problem in the proposal. (Ferrance, 2000)            A business plan is a tool used by professionals in the business arena to predict the status of a specific business venture. It is also a way of preventing losses or cutbacks in the future. The business plan also continuously functions as a monitoring guide in evaluating or assessing the path of the business, whether it follows the plan or it is progressing or digressing in a different direction. Therefore, it is important to include substantial information and integrate it in the plan in order to see that changes that are occurring in a business enterprise. (Berry, 2008) The business plan is also broad than the action plan proposal and the competitive grant because it covers a wider range of information, from consumers, to human resources, capital funds, marketing strategies, etc. (My Own Business, 2007) References Berry, T. (2008). What is a Business Plan? Retrieved March 22, 2008, from Palo Alto Software, Inc. Website: Ferrance, A. (2000). Action Research. Retrieved March 22, 2008, from The Education Alliance.            Website: My Own Business. (2007). Business Plan. Retrieved March 22, 2008, from My Own Business,            Inc. Website: USDH. (2000). What is a Competitive Grant Program. Retrieved March 22, 2008, from U.S.            Department of Housing. Website:
Thursday, November 14, 2019
A Passage to India:An Examination of the Work in a Historical Context :: essays research papers
A Passage to India by Edward Morgan Forster is truly one of the great books of it’s time. Written in an era when the world was more romantic, yet substantially less civil to the unwestern world than it is today; E. M. Forster opened the eyes of his fellow countrymen and the world by showing them the truth about British Colonialism. The novel aids greatly in the ability to interpret events of the time as well as understand the differences between the social discourse of then and now.      To fully understand A Passage to India and its cultural and historical significance one must first understand the world in which it was written, and the man who wrote it. Forster published the novel in 1924 England, a place much different than the England of today. At the time the sun still didn’t set on the British empire and there were still serious societal influences form the Victorian Era.      Forster was born on January 1st 1879; his family was part of London's upper-middle class. At the age of two Forster's father died, leaving only his mother to raise him. Their relationship was very strong and stayed that way up until her death in 1945. Forster was educated in Kent up until 1897, and then went on to King’s College at Cambridge.      Immediately after his graduation from the University in 1901, Forster began to travel around the world, spending much of his time in Italy, Greece, and Germany. His first novel, Where Angels Fear to Tread was published in 1905 and was received with good reviews. By the publication of his fourth novel, Howard's End in 1910 Forster had become a member of what was known in writing circles as the Bloomsbury Group, a distinguished group of writers including Virginia Wolf, John Maynard Keynes, and many others. In 1912 Forster made his first visit to India; and in 1021 after having served for the Red Cross in Egypt during world war one, he returned to India to be the private secretary to the Maharajah of Dewas. Forster based A Passage to India on the experiences he had while working for the Maharajah.      The world of Colonial India was much different than that of England at the time, or of the India of today. The country was ruled by the British military. British patriots and ex-patriots living in India had a culture all there own; they were not at all oppressors but did have a completely different culture than the indigenous peoples of the country.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Pricing Strategy Essay
To set a pricing strategy, there are number of steps taken into consideration as follows: Step 1: Our pricing objectives are to maximize market share and increase sales volume. This strategy will be used when TrackR is being launched into the market. We charge a reasonable price in order for TrackR to be accessible in the market as quickly as possible and also to encourage the interest and excitement of a product. Because of the low price, we are able to raise the sales volume easily, maximize the market share and reach the economic of scale as soon as possible. In order to boost the sales even more, we will offer promotion followed by the product launch, which will later be discussed in the later section. Eventually, we can penetrate the market and create brand awareness. Step 2: Being a monopoly of TrackR, we have a sole power of controlling price and quantity, but before we set a final price, we must observe the demand. TrackRcan be classified as normal goods for specific groups of people. While the price remains unchanged, people tend to buy more normal goods when their income increases and they less likely to buy normal goods when their income falls. TrackR is price elastic meaning consumers are responsive/ sensitive to a change in price. If we decide to elevate the price of TrackR, the quantity demand will be declined. Step 3: We also need to estimate the costs associated with TrackR. All costs can be broken down into 2 categories; fixed costs and variable costs. Fixed costs include salary, rent, PR and promotion and sales promotion, which come down to 3 million baht per month while the variable costs comprise of unit cost, shipping fee and exchange rate which are 375 baht per unit. Step 4: Analyzing competitors’ costs, prices, and offerings. Our competitors can potentially be online retailers, for example, eBay or Find my iPhone. TrackR eBay Find my iPhone Price ? $25 ~ 800 baht Free Cost No additional cost Shipping fee + duty – Offering Warranty, Service No after sales service Apple products only Step 5: We divide our consumers into 2 segments; B2B and B2C so we will use different strategies to different potential buyers. For B2B buyers, we will sign a contract and sell them over a large volume at a reasonable price range regarding the numbers of unit purchased. By having cost advantages over competitors as you can see on the previous slide, we are able to build up a barrier protecting us from new entrants entering the market. On the other hand, as we aim to achieve our objective of increasing the sales volume, we set an affordable price making it accessible to B2C consumers so we can increase the sales volume and eventually achieve economic of scale. We begin using value based pricing approach for both buyers, which sets prices primarily upon the value perceived/estimated by the consumers rather than the costs of the product. In other words, value based pricing is a valuation of good or service according to how much consumers are willing to pay. We have done a market survey to see at what price consumers would like to spend. It could be somewhat arbitrary but it greatly assistances in an effective marketing of product in understanding impact of good or service has on consumers. We then use break-even analysis, which represents a point at which total cost and total revenue are equal: there is no loss or gain at this point. It purposely uses to determine the minimum output that must be reached in order to make a profit. It is a rough indicator of a marketing activity and also provides a dynamic view of relationships between costs, sales and profits. We also use quantity discount for B2B purchaser, which is an incentive offered to our potential purchasers resulting in a reduced cost per unit of goods when acquired in a greater volume. A quantity discount will be proposed to tempt our buyers to purchase in larger quantities. Step 6: Now, we have come down to a conclusion of TrackR’s final price. Here are the base prices for both B2B and B2C buyers.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
10 Rules For Managing Global Innovation
This is a review of the HBR article â€Å"10 Rules for Managing Global Innovation†for the authors Keeley Wilson and Yves L. Doz . Keeley Wilson is a senior research fellow at INSEAD in Fontainebleau, France .Yves L. Doz is the Solvay Chaired Professor of Technological Innovation at INSEAD. INSEAD is ranked the 5th best business schools for an average of three years period by the Financial times ranking. â€Å"10 Rules for Managing Global Innovation†is written by the authors to pin point ten rules that the authors see crucial for a multinational company to manage its globally dispersed business units and still keep the innovative process going smoothly and efficiently.The authors list of the 10 rules is as follows,1. Start small: invlolving all team members in a short term projects and easy to achieve in order to build it and to make all members ready for the big challenging project 2. Provide a stable organizational context: and thus avoiding employees feeling insecur e and lose focus on the innovative process. 3. Assign Oversight and Support Responsibility to a Senior Manager: to avoid miscommunication, conflict, and stalemates over crucial decisions 4. Use Rigorous Project Management and Seasoned Project Leaders: to impose discipline, structure, and a shared sense of purpose across the locations.5. Appoint a Lead Site: ensured prompt decision making and a project successfully delivered on time and on budget 6. Invest Time Defining The Innovation: so that everyone working on the project has the same understanding of the goals and their individual contributions to them. 7. Allocate Resources On the Basis of Capability, Not Availability: Teams are selected not because they are the best qualified but because they are available at the time , when resources became available elsewhere, this module was moved to a team that had the necessary capabilities , but by then, morale had been dented, time wasted, and costs increased.8. Build Enough Knowledge Overlap for Collaboration: in order to ensure critical interdependencies between modules. 9. Limit the Number of Subcontractors and Partners: to limit the additional complexity and time trying to manage different partners. 10. Don’t Rely Solely on Technology for Communication: regular face-to-face communications are important in order to drive projects forward, share knowledge, and reinforce trust between teams and project leaders.Article Critique:The article clearly states 10 rules that are important for managing global innovations in the author’s perspective. As they have done researches on companies that known for their high innovation spend for more than a decade in order to present a set of guidelines for successfully managing global innovation projects. The Authors identified the problems that MNCs face clearly in the article and their examples include big MNCs like Citibank, HP, Hitachi, Infosys, Intel, LG Electronics, Novartis, Philips, Samsung, Siemens, Vodaf one, and Xerox in the article which gives great credibility to their guidelines for managing global innovations.However, the article could be seen as being very generic and each rule in the article should be more elaborately explained and a guide for implementing those rules. And this should have been addressed as the limitation of the article. On the other hand, this overview provided by the authors gives the readers a good point to start from, especially if they are to know what managing innovation in an MNC means. Furthermore other external references are confirming the author’s perspective. Concerning the second rule, other business schools professors are confirming the same idea like Rita Gunther McGrath professor at Columbia Business School.In her book How the Growth Outliers Do It. â€Å"Stability is what enables these companies to innovate and to maintain steady growth. Coupled with transparent values, it allows employees to feel confident about taking the risks that experimentation requires.†Google Co-founder, Larry Page, had the idea of Google Books for a long time. People thought it was too crazy even to try, but he went ahead and bought a scanner and hooked it up in his office. He began scanning pages, timed how long it took, ran the numbers and realized it would be possible to bring the world’s books online. Today, Google Books Search index contains over 10 million books.This example shows how important it is to start small for big projects to succeed as the authors clearly stated in the first rule in the article. Other literature was found to be supporting the role of management discussed in several rules in the article. â€Å"The findings reveal that management involvement has a positive and significant impact on all dimensions of innovation featured. It is also found that organizational innovation has a mediating effect on the association between management involvement and technical innovation.†(â€Å"The role of management involvement in innovation†by Stanley Kam Sing Wong published by Emerald Group Publishing Limited)Concerning the author’s last rule about communication, the case of Toyota â€Å"The Americanization of a Japanese Icon†clearly explains the importance of not relying on technology alone for communication. â€Å"The Fact is That Toyota and it’s U.S subsidiaries don’t always see eye to eye, especially when it comes to making design choices for the American market. Sometimes their conflicts are over small issues, other times there are clashes over crucial product-strategy decisions.†Conclusion:The Authors successfully managed to give the reader an overview of how to manage innovation in a MNC. Moreover, other literature and examples was found to be supporting the authors point of view. However, it would have been of more benefit if there were more specific examples to elaborate how this rules could be implemented successfully each of these rules were stated and a guidelines
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Ytterbium Facts - Yb Element Facts
Ytterbium Facts - Yb Element Facts Ytterbium is element number 70 with an element symbol Yb. This silver-colored rare earth element is one of several elements discovered from ores from a quarry in Ytterby, Sweden. Here are interesting facts about element Yb, as well as a summary of key atomic data: Interesting Ytterbium Element Facts Like other rare earth elements, ytterbium isnt really all that rare, but it did take scientists a long time to figure out how to separate the rare earth elements from one another. During this time, it was rare to encounter them. Today, rare earths are common in everyday products, particularly in monitors and electronics.Ytterbium was one of the elements isolated from the mineral yttria. These elements derive their names from Ytterby (e.g., Yttrium, Ytterbium, Terbium, Erbium). For about 30 years, it was difficult to distinguish the elements from each other, so there was confusion about which element belonged to which name. Ytterbium went by at least four names, including ytterbium, ytterbia, erbia, and neoytterbia, when it wasnt altogether confused with another element.Credit for discovering ytterbium is shared between Jean-Charles Gallisard de Marignac, Lars Fredrik Nilson, and Georges Urbain, who identified the element over a period of several years, starting in 1787. Marignac repo rted the elemental analysis of a sample called erbia in 1878 (isolated from yttria), saying it consisted of two elements he called erbium and ytterbium. In 1879, Nilson announced Marignacs ytterbium was not a single element, but a mixture of two elements he called scandium and ytterbium. In 1907, Urbain announced Nilsons ytterbium was, in turn, a mixture of two elements, which he called ytterbium and lutetium. Relatively pure ytterbium was not isolated until 1937. A high purity specimen of the element wasnt made until 1953. Uses of ytterbium include use as a radiation source for x-ray machines. It is added to stainless steel to improve its mechanical properties. It may be added as a doping agent to fiber optic cable. It is used to make certain lasers.Ytterbium and its compounds are not normally found in the human body. They are estimated to be of low to moderate toxicity. However, ytterbium is stored and treated as if it were a highly toxic chemical. Part of the reason is that metallic ytterbium dust presents a fire hazard, evolving toxic fumes as it burns. A ytterbium fire can only be extinguished using a class D dry chemical fire extinguisher. Another risk from ytterbium is that it causes skin and eye irritation. Scientists believe some ytterbium compounds are teratogenic.Ytterbium is a bright, shiny silver metal that is ductile and malleable. The most common oxidation state of ytterbium is 3, but the 2 oxidation state also occurs (which is unusual for a lanthanide). It is more reactive than the other lanthanide elements, so it is generally stored in sealed containers to keep it from reacting with oxygen and water in air. The finely powdered metal will ignite in air. Ytterbium is the 44th most abundant element in the Earths crust. It is one of the more common rare earths, present at about 2.7 to 8 parts per million in the crust. It is common in the mineral monazite.7 natural isotopes of ytterbium occur, plus at least 27 radioactive isotopes have been observed. The most common isotope is ytterbium-174, which accounts for about 31.8 percent of the natural abundance of the element. The most stable radioisotope is ytterbium-169, which has a half-life of 32.0 days. Ytterbium also displays 12 meta states, with the most stable being ytterbium-169m, with a half life of 46 seconds. Ytterbium Element Atomic Data Element Name: Ytterbium Atomic Number: 70 Symbol: Yb Atomic Weight: 173.04 Discovery: Jean de Marignac 1878 (Switzerland) Electron Configuration: [Xe] 4f14 6s2 Element Classification: Rare Earth (Lanthanide Series) Word Origin: Named for the Swedish village of Ytterby. Density (g/cc): 6.9654 Melting Point (K): 1097 Boiling Point (K): 1466 Appearance: silvery, lustrous, malleable, and ductile metal Atomic Radius (pm): 194 Atomic Volume (cc/mol): 24.8 Ionic Radius: 85.8 (3e) 93 (2e) Specific Heat (20Â °C J/g mol): 0.145 Fusion Heat (kJ/mol): 3.35 Evaporation Heat (kJ/mol): 159 Pauling Negativity Number: 1.1 First Ionizing Energy (kJ/mol): 603 Oxidation States: 3, 2 Lattice Structure: Face-Centered Cubic Lattice Constant (Ã…): 5.490 References: Los Alamos National Laboratory (2001), Crescent Chemical Company (2001), Langes Handbook of Chemistry (1952), CRC Handbook of Chemistry Physics (18th Ed.) Return to the Periodic Table
Monday, November 4, 2019
Comment on the Response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Comment on the Response - Essay Example I strongly agree with the point on the identity discovery process. I feel Janie strongly identified herself with nature. The fact that she related love to the relationship between the bees and the tree and the point where she allows a bug to walk on her face just to feel the legs of the bug makes one feel that Janie identified herself with nature. The fact that she found herself in conflict with her inner self when she was the mayor’s wife was a beautiful depiction of a situation which many of us feel time and again when confronted by different situations in life. I had also mentioned in my review that the language was hard to understand at first, due to the African dialect. I am not really sure whether that was the lesson which Hurston was trying to give about the fact that women should rule their own lives because after Janie did what she wanted her end was not one to be envied, she had to kill her husband, the one she had loved, but then again may be you are right in saying this because the book is centered around her feelings and dilemmas.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Article review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6
Article review - Essay Example 1). A Mouse Resource Browser (MSR) was presented, â€Å"a database of mouse databases that indexes 217 publicly available mouse resources under 22 categories and uses a standardised database description framework (the CASIMIR DDF) to provide information on their controlled vocabularies (ontologies and minimum information standards), and technical information on programmatic access and data availability†(Zouberakis,, 2010, par. 1). The discourse briefly introduced the need to achieve the authors’ identified objective and progressed by proffering the design, implementation and accessibility of the proposed database. The MRB which was the focus of the article was described as â€Å"the front-end of a relational, fully normalized PostgreSQL database, and is a typical Java EE application that follows the MVC architectural pattern, generating three transparent layers: the Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) layer, the intermediate Session layer and the interface/web layer†(Zouberakis,, 2010, par. 5). The general content of the article was explained in greater detail in terms of management, delivery and structure. Likewise, an online questionnaire was designed for curatorial purposes. Several illustrations and graphical representations were provided to diagram the MRB architecture and to depict the online responses, curatorial information, ontologies, and accessibility, among others. Finally, a discussion of the proposed MRB’s beneficial contributions to scientists and professionals in the fields of genetics and biomedical sciences was clearly expounded; and the source of funding was appropriately acknowledged. The authors were effective in attaining their objective to â€Å"provide useful information to both bench scientists, who can easily navigate and find all mouse related resources in one place, and bioinformaticians, who will be provided with interoperable resources containing data which can be mined and integrated†(Zouberakis,
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